Tuesday, May 22, 2012

DHS eBooks and Audiobooks

Did you know..............

Douglas High School now offers eBooks and audiobooks free through the library!  You can browse the collection of nearly 300 titles in a variety of subjects including classic and current fiction as well as popular nonfiction titles.  This collection can be accessed 24/7 by visiting http://converse1schools.lib.overdrive.com/.   

You can check out titles using your network credentials and download to a computer or mobile device.  Once downloaded, you can transfer to an iPod®, eBook reader, and many other supported devices to enjoy on-the-go. At the end of the lending period, titles automatically expire so there is no worry for late fees!

Visit the Digital Library at  http://converse1schools.lib.overdrive.com/  to get started!


Mr. K

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Greetings Bearcat students! I am excited to get the opportunity to work with you. Many of you know me, but I'll take a moment to introduce myself again. I've been teaching for 25 years now - 16 as a band instructor, and the remainder as a librarian and technology teacher.

I am looking forward to reacquainting myself with "old" students and meeting new ones! Have a great summer!
Mr. K.