Monday, November 12, 2012

Read and Win!

Read eBooks, win a prize! Beginning December 1st, each time you check out an eBook or audiobook from our OverDrive digital shelf, read the book, and submit your AR test results or a one-paragraph summary, your name will be entered in a monthly drawing for great prizes.

We’ll be giving away two Nook SimpleTouch with Glowlight devices each month

and a grand prize in May - an iPad mini.

How do I win?
  • To be entered in the monthly drawing, you must have checked out at least one title during the previous month. For example, the first drawing will be in early January. All students who have checked out a title during the month of December will be entered?
  • To confirm your entry, take the AR test results printout. We must have one for each book that you have read. If there is not an AR test available for the title that you’ve read, then write a one-paragraph review of the book and turn that in to the Media Center.
  • Read more books, get more chances to win! The more you check out and read, the better chance you have to win. For each title you read and submit your AR test results or your written review, you’ll earn one chance in the drawing for that month.
  • In May, we’ll total all of your submissions from December through April, and select one lucky winner of the iPad Mini.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Q: What books qualify? A: Only books checked out from our OverDrive library will gain you entrance into the drawing. Please submit test results or summaries only for OverDrive books. We will verify that you have checked out the title from our OverDrive collection before adding your entry.
  • Q: Will I be entered once for every AR point, or once for each book? A: You will be entered once for each AR test or summary that you submit.
  • Q: Can I enter using the same book in more than one month? A: No, each test or summary can only be used once. HOWEVER, for the iPad drawing in May, you'll be entered once for each report or summary that you submit between December and the drawing date.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

New eBook collection added!

We just added the Project Gutenberg collection to our OverDrive digital library shelf. From the Project Gutenberg site:

Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
We carry high quality ebooks: All our ebooks were previously published by bona fide publishers. We digitized and diligently proofread them with the help of thousands of volunteers.
No fee or registration is required, but if you find Project Gutenberg useful, we kindly ask you to donate a small amount so we can buy and digitize more books. Other ways to help include digitizing more booksrecording audio books, or reporting errors.
Over 100,000 free ebooks are available through our Partners, Affiliates and Resources.
How can you access these classic books? Visit our OverDrive digital library shelf. Once there you can browse the newer titles in the collection. To browse the Project Gutenberg titles, click Classic eBooks under Explore. There , you can browse and download as many titles as you wish. Because they're no longer under copyright law, you can down them and keep them as long as you wish.

  1. Visit and log in using your PowerSchool username and password.
  2. Choose Classic eBooks under Explore.
  3. Browse for the title that you wish to read.
  4. Enjoy!